The Dannon Project aids previously incarcerated individuals by helping with skills training, education and job placement. The objective is to achieve economic stability through living wage employment for participants and their families, reduce recidivism and provide support and resources to overcome challenges presented to them.
The Innovate Birmingham Regional Workforce Partnership, whose goal is to foster economic growth for the region and offering better opportunities for young adults, offers grants to help provide industry-specific skills for Birmingham citizens to obtain 925 high-paying jobs. The Dannon Project serves as the first point of contact for grant participants, performing intake and providing supportive services, case management and pathway development, utilizing Quick Base and Juiced Technologies Add-Ons, to streamline the processes.
Each grant has different qualification criteria and information for applicants. Using Exact Forms Plus, customized Career Pathway catalogs are created for each certification, based on the participants career history and other assessment results. These are designed to function like a course catalog, so participants know which classes they must complete along the pathway to attain their certification, credentials and/or licenses. As the participant completes each class, and case workers update the status, Exact Forms Plus is used to produce reports showing the progress. Exact Forms Plus is also used to summarize participant responses to questions, rank the results and generate a customized Risk Assessment report. The report templates vary based on the risk level results.
To simplify and expedite approval processes, QB Signatures was implemented. This enables participants to sign off on various documents and requests without the need to have staff present.
To satisfy the requirements of the government, various reports are required on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis, detailing information regarding the participants, programs and services. Each governmental department operates uniquely so report formats must meet the strict requirements of each department. Some additional examples of reports generated using Exact Forms Plus include:
A live data report is submitted on a quarterly basis and includes over 80 fields of data as well as formula fields that include calculations from data within the application.
A Mid-year reports that tracks referrals at both hospitals and in jails, requires incorporating data from various agencies, summarizing within Quick Base and reporting via Exact Forms Plus.
A comprehensive performance report is generated on a quarterly basis, requiring summarization of dozens of fields, cross referencing tables and reported across various time spans.

Implementing Exact Forms Plus and QB Signatures has not only reduced paperwork, manual efforts and errors, it has helped expedite the qualification and approval process, increased efficiencies and communication.
“Partnering with Juiced Technologies has allowed The Dannon Project to expand its capacity to serve multiple populations across several communities, states and regions. It’s also allowed the agency and collaborating partners to remove the blight of not having data to support program services, inputs, and outcomes”. Kerri Pruitt, Executive Director
About The Dannon Project
The Dannon Project was founded by Jeh Jeh Pruitt and his wife, Kerri Pruitt, in 1999. The organization was named after Dannon Pruitt, Jeh Jeh’s youngest brother, who was killed by a person that had been recently released from prison on a non-violent offense. Kerri believed this young man would have made better choices with his time if he had a strong support system after his release, maybe preventing Dannon’s untimely death. Non-profit status was obtained in October 2003, to help persons in transition, those with addictions on the road to recovery, and non-violent returning citizens on the edge of society.