One of the challenges with residential construction and home repair, is keeping scheduled appointments with customers. Cancellations are costly, even more so when you send a crew to a location and the customer cancels or forgot about the appointment and is not there. When you send reminders and make it easy for customers to confirm, cancel or reschedule appointments, you improve customer service and reduce instances of last-minute cancellations at the time of appointment.

To streamline the process and to ensure the highest level of communication, a construction management firm contracted with Juiced Technologies to implement our Text My Quick Base add-on.
Workflow: When an appointment is scheduled, the details are entered into an appointments table in their Quick Base application, along with a mobile phone number and notation if the client would like to receive SMS notifications. Knowing the mobile carrier for the clients mobile number is NOT necessary, Text My Quick Base takes care of that automatically.
From there, the process is automated as follows:
When the appointment is saved in Quick Base, Text My Quick Base is triggered to send a text message to the client with the date and time of the appointment and asked to reply with a Y=Yes or N=No to confirm/cancel the appointment. Text My Quick Base receives that reply and updates the Appointment Status field in Quick Base with “Confirmed” or “Cancelled” as well as the receipt date and time and the phone number from which the message was received.
A thank you text message is also sent to the client confirming that their reply was received. If they reply N to cancel, the text message they receive recommends they call to reschedule the appointment.
Seven days prior to the appointment, Text My Quick Base will send a reminder message to the client. Should they wish to cancel at this time, they can reply “Cancel”.
For appointments that are confirmed, the day before the scheduled appointment another reminder text message is sent.
SMS messaging is a simple and cost-effective way to remind customers and give them the ability to confirm appointments at anytime from anywhere!
To learn more about implementing Text My Quick Base or any other Quick Base add-on that can help you automate and streamline communication, visit us at